Examples Nanorc

14 Oct, 2019


Syntax Files


Paths nanorc syntax files

  • sudo nano /usr/share/nano/markdown.nanorc
  • sudo nano /usr/local/share/nano/markdown.nanorc

Example sysntax for Markdown

syntax "markdown" "\.md$" "\.markdown$"

## Quotations
color cyan "^>.*"

## Emphasis
color green "_[^_]*_"
color green "\*[^\*]*\*"

## Strong emphasis
color brightgreen "\*\*[^\*]*\*\*"
color brightgreen "__[\_]*__"

## Underline headers
color brightblue "^====(=*)"
color brightblue "^----(-*)"

## Hash headers
color brightred "^#.*"

## Linkified URLs (and inline html tags)
color brightmagenta start="<" end=">"

## Links
color brightmagenta "\[.*\](\([^\)]*\))?"

## Link id's:
color brightmagenta "^\[.*\]:( )+.*"

## Code spans
color yellow "`[^`]*`"

## Multi-line code span
color yellow start="^```$" end="^```$"

## Links and inline images
color brightmagenta start="!\[" end="\]"
color brightmagenta start="\[" end="\]"

## Lists
color yellow "^( )*(\*|\+|\-|[0-9]+\.) "

Include yours syntax files nano ~/.nanorc

include /usr/local/share/nano/*   

Massive editor json for Kubernetes

16 Jul, 2019


In this post we will see the use of a custom bash (kmae and kselect) function that can save you time in your Kuberentes environments.

The idea is to interact with Kubernetes to be able to quickly edit a large amount of resources using grep filters; external (kubectl get pod) and internal (kubectl get pod -o json).

Code: https://gist.github.com/Tedezed/a8abece3507296c4fa1eb0ea70cc15e5

Kmae: It can be very dangerous if it is not used with caution, it saves three days of json edited to be able to recover them in the case of needing them in $HOME/.kmae. You can create backup of your cluster in json using: https://github.com/Tedezed/kubernetes-resources/tree/master/kubebackup  

To test it you can create an environment with several nginx with the following for:

for i in $(seq 1 6); do
  kubectl create namespace nginx-$i;
  kubectl create deploy nginx-$i -n nginx-$i --image=nginx;

  Gif tty  

We will use kselect to test your filters in the first place:



Example: Get json path spec.strategy.rollingUpdate of the nginx with name nginx-1 to 3 and generation equal to 1 in all namespaces

kselect deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 1' .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate --all-namespaces


In the second place, modify the spec.strategy.rollingUpdate of the three deployments at the same command:




kmae deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 1' '{"spec":{"strategy":{"rollingUpdate":{"maxUnavailable": "50%", "maxSurge": "45%"}}}}' --all-namespaces


We tested the previous kselect that does not return anything because the generation number changed:

kselect deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 1' .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate --all-namespaces

If it works if we change the generation:

kselect deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 2' .spec.strategy.rollingUpdate --all-namespaces


One last test with modification of replicas:

kselect deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 2' .spec.replicas --all-namespaces
kmae deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 2' '{"spec":{"replicas":2}}' --all-namespaces
kselect deploy "(nginx-[1-3])" '"observedGeneration": 3' .spec.replicas --all-namespaces


Clean enviroment:

for i in $(seq 1 6); do 
  kubectl delete deploy nginx-$i -n nginx-$i --force --grace-period=0;
  kubectl delete namespace nginx-$i --force --grace-period=0; 

Ingress TCP/UDP

22 Mar, 2019


Source: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/docs/user-guide/exposing-tcp-udp-services.md

Install ingress nginx with helm

helm install stable/nginx-ingress \
	--name nginx-ingress-tcp-udp \
	--namespace nginx-ingress-tcp-udp \
	--set controller.ingressClass=nginx-ingress-tcp-udp

Create configmap with format: namespace/service:port

kubectl apply -f - -o yaml << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tcp-services
  namespace: nginx-ingress-tcp-udp
  2000: "demo-test/mysql-demo-test:3306"
  2001: "demo-test/sftp-server:22"
  2002: "demo-test/postgres-server:5432"

Edit service nginx-ingress kubectl edit svc nginx-ingress-tcp-udp-controller -n nginx-ingress-tcp-udp

  - name: proxied-tcp-2000
    port: 2000
    targetPort: 2000
    protocol: TCP
  - name: proxied-tcp-2001
    port: 2001
    targetPort: 2001
    protocol: TCP
  - name: proxied-tcp-2002
    port: 2002
    targetPort: 2002
    protocol: TCP

Edit deployment nginx-ingress kubectl edit deploy nginx-ingress-tcp-udp-controller --namespace nginx-ingress-tcp-udp Edit:

      - args:
        - /nginx-ingress-controller
        - --tcp-services-configmap=nginx-ingress-tcp-udp/tcp-services

Access through the port previously assigned to the services configured in the configmap.